Mr Nicodemus Cosmas Osoro Okondo is a resident of Kisii county. He was a high school teacher for 15 years.
His autobiography clearly states that Mr Osoro served in the government as the Chairman Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers ( KUPPET) in Kisii. To become the chairman, he smartly campaigned and won the Teachers' elections.
Mr Osoro is also a holder of a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in Education from Egerton University. He has been known by many for being bold, and amicably solving the issues than come on the way.
In addition, Mr Osoro was the ODM's chief returning officer in Kisii during the 2017 General elections.Many leaders are never loyal, but Mr Osoro proved to be among the few loyal leaders. His all-time loyalty made him to be rewarded.
After serving for 15 years as a teacher, Mr Nicodemus Cosmas Osoro Okondo was appointed and became the Chief Officer Department of Roads in the Ministry of Roads, Public Works and Transport in Kisii county.
As a highschool teacher, the mandate was to teach and ensure smooth flow of learning in the school. This changed after he became the chief officer where the mandate of this sector is proper management and provision of the engineering works and services in the county's jurisdiction.
This include licensing of the public motors, maintenance of infrastructure, motor vehicles and also development control.