Garissa County has emerged among the biggest beneficiaries of the just completed Fourteenth sessions of the United Nation Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) held in Nairobi last week.
According to the government, submissions on the benefits that the country reaped from the summit, investors have expressed intentions to partner with county governments to initiate development projects.
For instance, investors have already ushered in their support for the construction of the SGR line via Garissa town, an initiative that will open up the county to link up with Lamu, Ethiopia and South Sudan in the famous Lapsset project.
“Investors are ready to participate in infrastructural developments under BOT (Build–Operate–Transfer) arrangements. The country has received investor support in the construction of the modern SGR line via Garissa, Maralal, and Lokichogio, under the Lapsset project will link Lamu, Ethiopia and South Sudan,” KenInvest has said.
Kenya as a country exploited the global trade forum to solicit for investors to fund key infrastructural projects, several of which have so far stalled due to lack of funds.