Garissa Deputy county commissioner Samuel Njuguna has warned parents against marrying underage girls. 

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Speaking at Garissa Primary School during the African Child Celebrations on Friday, Njuguna said that stern action will be taken against parents who defy the directive.

“There are several cultural practices that are dragging us behind. One of them is early marriages of young girls. It is a concern to us as a government and we shall fight it,” Njuguna said.

He asked parents to wait until the children are mature before they can get married.

“If they are to be married off, then that should happen when they are mature enough,” he said.

Garissa County children coordinator Mohamed Hussein  faulted parents for neglecting their children. 

He noted that parental negligence has contributed to the endless problems youths are facing in the region.

“The biggest challenge is parental neglect. Many parents have failed or intentionally refused to meet their children’s needs,” Hussein noted. 

On her part, Nominated MCA Fatuma Abdi urged the residents to report any case of rape in the county.