Baringo Senator Gideon Moi has faulted National Assembly Majority Leader Aden Duale for his recent outbursts against him. 

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Speaking on Monday in Baringo,  Moi told off Duale for incessantly insulting him over the 2022 presidential bid.

 The however called on Duale to sell the Jubilee agenda of improving the livelihood of Kenyans instead of engaging in petty insults.

Moi noted that he has never insulted any politician.

“I want to ask people, especially our leaders, I have never insulted anyone, why would you wake up and start insulting me?” he asked. 

Moi claimed the vocal Jubilee politician was looking for cheap political mileage.

“Talking about me won’t help. I know that earns you little mileage. However, you should sell your ideologies and let the people decide,” he stated.