The Gitaru Bridge which has existed for over a decade has been a death trap for many who choose to use it instead of using the stairs beside it.

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Ignorance has killed many who fall off the bridge when huge trailers pass next to them causing them to shake.

Traffic police have continued to warn the public, saying that the bridge which is along the Nakuru- Nairobi highway was meant for vehicles and not for people.

A resident of Gitaru ward, Lilian Thuo said that a while ago, a lorry fell off the bridge killing a young man who was walking along it. The lorry also fell on two matatus on the road below it.

She added that a week ago a school girl almost fell from there, but was saved by a fellow passerby. Kabete OCPD Joseph Ongaya said that most accidents happen as a result of ignorance of the public to obvious traffic rules and use of such facilities as the stairs and flyovers.

He warned pedestrians not to risk passing on the said bridge, as that is equivalent to suicidal attempts and will be punishable by the law. A fruit vendor near the bridge, Joseph Wachira, however blamed the government for not establishing new rails, to prevent more deaths.

An elderly woman by the name Mary Mugure, said that the bridge had rails back then, but people pulled them out to sell them as scrap metal.

Mugure added that establishing new rails would be wastage of money, time and effort, as they would still be pulled out.