Irrigation farming. [Photo/File]

Is there a story unfolding in your community? Let Hivisasa know

The authority has harvested 10 tons of sorghum in a 10-acre pilot project at the Napuu Irrigation Scheme where it eyes to increase the area under crop to 150 acres.

For the better part of the year, this is not what you expect in expansive Turkana County.

The county has featured prominently many a times when Kenya experiences drought and famine.

This year things are different. The smiles by these women show a greener future that beckons ahead with the appropriate use of resources.

This plentiful harvest of sorghum is only a pilot project that has been carried out by KVDA in a fraction of the total 150-acre piece of land using two center pivot machines that will irrigate the land for food production in full scale.

With no nearby rivers and lakes, KVDA has turned to boreholes for irrigation water.

In 2013, 300 meters, below the surface, water aquifers were discovered at Lotikipi basin with a reserve of 200 billion cubic meters and another at Turkana basin holding at least 10 billion cubic meters of water.

It is only in 2015 that the government allocated Ksh5 billion for testing the viability of the water for use.Early this year, USA committed to funding further exploration of the underground water at a tune of Ksh25 billion.