The trio was comprised of three talented young men who met in high school. The three BenCyco, Dambiz and Kagiri have been together doing music since 2013.
The three have made the decision to pursue different interests in what they have described as gradual process.
The three have achieved much together including winning numerous awards and the prestigious Groove Award group of the year 2015. Musically they have been an inspiration to many with their Holy HipHop style of music.
Ben Cyco continues to pursue music releasing his first solo single dubbed LILELILE today. In a statement posted on his social media platforms, he says, “I might have studied political science but music has always been my passion. I am sad to see Cycoz go but we all needed to grow in our different passions. Our split was mutual and we continue to support each other.”
Over the last few months, Kagiri has set himself apart in the fashion blogging world through his Dapper Brother blog. The blog, which features him modelling different attires won the Mimi Fashion Blogger contest.
Kagiri says that the split was discussed and mutually agreed upon and that they continue to support each other as brothers in their different endeavours.
Clinton who goes by the nickname Dambiz has chosen to follow his video production passion.