The government's name has been dragged into the Solai dam tragedy which has since cost close to 50 lives.

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The dam, owned by the Patel Farm, broke its banks on Wednesday night, clearing an entire village as the millions of litres of water formerly held by the reservoir gushed out.

With Kenyans eagerly awaiting results from relevant bodies which have since embarked on investigations to get to the bottom of the unfortunate event, former area Member of Parliament Koigi wa Wamwere is now blaming both the current and past governments for leniency.

Speaking on Sauti Ya Mwanachi Radio Friday, Wamwere recalled opposing both the dam's location and construction during his tenure.

He claimed that relevant government bodies have always been reluctant to take action despite public outcry and protests.

''There has always been complaints about the dam but the government has been reluctant to act. It is so sad that we had to get to this point when we had many years to prevent the tragedy,'' he said. 

''I took it upon myself to caution the ranch owner of the pending terrible outcome but failed. I was once almost arrested for questioning his activities,'' he added.

The veteran politician also recalled opposing the dam's placement and water supply, saying that it has deprived area residents of water, with a number of rivers being directed into the reservoir.

''The dam draws its water from several rivers in the region, leaving residents with no supply. My attempts to correct that were also futile,'' he added.