Nakuru Governor Kinuthia Mbugua has launched the county’s disaster management unit that will now be responding to emergencies.

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Mbugua, who unveiled the programme at the county headquarters in Nakuru town, said the team will provide his government with a formidable and clear system of dealing with disasters in the county.

He said the main focus of the unit will be to prevent disaster before they happen rather than reacting when disaster happens.

“In this country we have been good at reacting when disaster happens but we are very slow in preventing disaster as well as mitigating disasters,” the county boss said.

“This unit will help Nakuru to be more prepared to prevent disasters and deal with natural disasters.”

Mbugua said that his government will offer full support to the unit, which will be run by the police department in collaboration with the county government.

“My government will offer total support to the unit in executing its mandate. We also need to create more flexible responsive and quick recovery mechanisms for handling disasters,” he said.