Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua has banned tree logging in the county for the next three years.

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Mutua said cutting of trees should be done through written permission from the county government to ensure development.

"From today, I am banning tree logging in Machakos County for three years regardless of who has planted them. Trees that will need to be cut to pave way for development works by individuals will only be cut down with the written permission from the county," Mutua said.

Mutua spoke during the launch of the Machakos Tree  Planting Continuous Programme at Kyemutheke Primary School in Mavoko Sub County on Thursday.

He said his government was keen in ensuring that the future of Machakos County is protected.

" My government is keen on ensuring that  Machakos County’s future is protected and assured by planting and protecting trees," Mutua said.

The Governor further said his government was targeting to plant a total of 50 million trees by the year 2022.

"The target is to plant over 50 million trees in Machakos County by 2022," he added.

Mutua urged Machakos residents to plant and maintain the already existing trees in the county.

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