Beautiful long natural nails. [Photo/pilis/Instagram]

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Girls, having long and beautiful nails that aren’t actually fake is really cool and on point.

But most often the nails break into pieces even before they get to the length we can admire, and this leaves us feeling disappointed.

Well, if you have experienced this ‘aaargh’ feeling every time your nails break prematurely, I have gathered some tips to help you grow those nails a centimeter long.

First of all, take care of your cuticles.

Keep them well hydrated.

Healthy nails start with healthy cuticles. Stop any habits that may irritate the cuticles.

Don’t bite, pick, trim or manipulate your cuticles.

Celebrity manicurist Ashlie Johnson explains, “Your cuticles are the last line of defense, acting as a shield blocking spread of bacteria from moving in the nail. Cutting them can potentially irritate or infect the nail.”

Secondly, make sure you file your nails correctly.

When done improperly, shaping your nails can weaken and break your nails.

Start filing from the edges towards the center.

Also, don’t saw the file back and forth, this creates too much friction and often causes over-filing.

Quit all types of nail hardeners.

Most of the run to get nail hardeners thinking that the reason our nails are breaking is that they are too ‘soft’.

What we don’t know is that these hardeners might actually make the situation worse.

They harden the nails too much such that they crack and break more easily.

Don’t use your nails as tools.

This includes peeling labels, scrapping paints and glue and unfastening stuff.

Wear quality nail products.

Beware of what you apply to your nails.

Buy quality nail products from trusted outlets.

Stop picking random products down the streets.

Above all, eat well.

It all begins from within.

A well-balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables will do.

Also, don’t forget to drink plenty of water.

The rule of thumb remains; never bite your nails.