Haki Africa Executive Director Hussein Khalid addressing locals at Kinondo in Msambweni, Kwale County. [Photo/Maxwell]

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A human rights organization has vowed to move to court to sue companies that have been violating human rights.

Haki Africa Executive Director Hussein Khalid said that for the last one year Haki Africa has been conducting research, meeting with the proprietors of various companies at the Coast to verify facts about complaints received from locals working and living in the outskirts of the companies.

Speaking at Kinondo in Msambweni, Kwale County during a public forum, Khalid said that mining companies in Kwale County and salt mining companies in Gongoni area within Magarini constituency, Kilifi County were mentioned by locals for violating human rights.

He said that workers and locals living in Gongoni have been suffering various ailments including eye and chest problems among other diseases caused by salt mining activities in the area.

“In fact, women working in these salt mining factories were the most affected, working without any safety gears has resulted in abortions and other reproductive health problems.

He said that quarry activities in Roka area within Kilifi Sub County was also another sector the human rights body was closely monitoring after it received many complaints from locals.

Khalid said that workers and residents in Roka are also suffered chest, skin and eye problems among other diseases caused by the strong dust with particles from the quarries.

The Human rights activist said that not only in Kilifi county but also Base titanium mining Company based in Kwale county has contributed to health and environmental problems.

“In December we had a meeting with locals and Msambweni Member of parliament Suleiman Dori who assured us of his support as we pursue the right of the people living and working in those areas,” he said.

Khalid, however, revealed that some of the companies have agreed to put up new technology measures to contain dust and fumes which affect locals.

He said that Dori had several meetings with Base titanium management who agreed to put up safety measures and other modern equipment to ensure locals are not affected.

On his part, Msambweni MP Suleiman Dori assured locals that the dialogue between the area residents, local leaders, and the Base titanium management will continue until an amicable solution is reached.

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