The show which was booted off the air by KTN has been without a home for about three months.
It is still unclear what circumstances led to the show being pulled despite its wide audience.
The move to NTV will prove a loss to the media group that has been struggling financially. Already, KTN’s popular The Real Househelps of Kawangware (TRHK) has started losing followers after the exit of Njugush-a popular actor on the programme.
Both shows have been performing well and the decision to drop Hapa Kule while on its peak may prove disastrous to the ailing media house.
The comical show is based on the daily affairs of the normal man and its execution of social affairs in a comical way. It addresses issues of the nation and governance by incorporating the daily occurrences.
The group made clear their move by interrupting prime time news which looked like a well-scripted move to make sure Nation was aware of the move.