Opposition leader Raila Odinga. [Photo/nation.co.ke]

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Arguably, Raila Odinga will go down in history as the most betrayed leader in the history of the Republic of Kenya.He thought that they were his close allies but they stabbed him in the back.Here are some notable names that betrayed Raila:Isaac Rutto: He was a NASA principal before the August 8 elections, transversing the country with Raila. He even hosted the veteran opposition leader in his home county of Bomet. After the elections which Uhuru won, he jumped ship.Ababu Namwambe: He said that he would ensure that Raila presidential bid succeeded but he fell out with some individuals in ODM and decided to join Jubilee.Hassan Omar: He was in NASA and strongly campaigned for Raila. When he lost to Joho in Mombasa gubernatorial contest, he protested against Raila and joined Jubilee.Josphat Nanok: He was elected as ODM governor but went against the party leader by going to government functions. He is yet to attend any opposition protest.Rueben Ndolo: Was favoured by Raila in the Makadara parliamentary contest which he lost to Sonko. He was a staunch Raila ally but later decided to join Jubilee.Salim Mvurya: He was famously whipped alongside Raila during a jig. He was firmly in ODM.He later joined Jubilee.