During electioneering periods, royal families nominate and endorse their sons and daughters for various elective slots, with the major objective being to turn out as a regional superpower unit.
In Garissa County, Duale's extended family is turning out as a regional superpower given the fact that the family has presented aspirants for almost all elective slots.
Duale himself, who is the Garissa Township MP has announced that he will seek re-election at the same capacity. He has convinced the electorate that his twin roles as the majority leader and the township MP is enough to assure of his unlimited influence in the region.
This notwithstanding, Ali Bunow Korane, who has kinship ties with Duale has forwarded his candidature for the county's top elective seat. He has faulted the current leadership for alleged incompetence and involvement in mega corruption syndicates in the county. Besides, Korane has expressed interest in working with Duale in the incoming elections by openly declaring his support.
Unconfirmed reports also indicate that the said family is planning to propose a candidate to battle Shukran Gure in the women rep position in the 2017 elections.
From the recent political activities in the region, the named Garissa politicians have never shown interest in supporting anybody from outside their family unit, thus propagating the idea that their family is the most powerful in the entire county.
What remains unclear is whether the politicians will declare support for Senator Yussuf Haji or they will propose one of their own to battle it in the senatorial race.