NRM leader Raila Odinga during a past press conference at Okoa Kenya offices in Nairobi. [Photo|Capital FM]National Resistance Movement (NRM) is here to solve systemic and historical problems in Kenya like electoral fraud, ODM Chairman John Mbadi has said.Mbadi speaking to Citizen TV on Thursday evening during Opinion Court show, said that Parliament had become 'an appendage of a despotic executive' and, therefore, a need to form NRM-People's Assembly."Our parliament is heavily compromised and no longer represents the interests of the people of Kenya. It has become a mere appendage of State House and has no power of its own," said Mbadi.He added: "We want to tell Jubilee who are saying that we are using extra-constitutional means to get power, that there is nothing illegal about the People's Assembly. It has been done before in Kenya through Bomas constitutional initiative, Ufungamano Initiative and so on. International Law gives people power to assemble and does not define how the assembly should take place."The Suba MP noted that the People's Assembly will discuss real issues affecting the country among them being the 'systematic assault on institutions that are supposed to be independent'.He said that the current government is not accountable and does not know its boundaries.On Tuesday this week, after the IEBC on Monday announced the re-election of President Uhuru Kenyatta, NRM leader Raila Odinga said the People's Assembly will restore democracy, constitutionalism and the rule of law."Governments are not above Constitutions. And Constitutions are not above the people. The people retain ownership of sovereign power. This is the reason why all progressive Constitutions, the people reserve the right to exercise their sovereignty directly. The fate of all governments that usurp and abuse power is to fall.""We have obligated ourselves to respect, obey and defend our Constitution. We are now compelled by this obligation to chart our way back to democracy, constitutionalism and the rule law," Raila told a news briefing at the Okoa Kenya Headquarters as quoted by Capital FM.Odinga said he will be announcing the date and programme of the Assembly’s inaugural convention in the coming days adding that the Assembly will continue to exist until a 'legitimate presidency is restored'.

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