It has been said that acidity level in the soil is a big threat to maize production in the North Rift region, the country's food basket.
According to experts, the acidity content in the soil has reduced maize production in the country which is threatening its food security.
They have said that the acidity level has reduced maize production to 34 million bags, 16 million less, out of the required 50 millions bags of maize, to facilitate food security in the county.
Vitalis Wafula, the Yara East Africa Commercial Manage said North Rift region which is the highest producer of maize in the country, is also being affected by the acidity levels in the soil.
Speaking during a farmers forum in Eldoret on Friday, Wafula urged maize farmers to consider the use of the necessary soil nutrients to combat soil acidity that is affecting maize production. Mr. Wafua
He noted that the country needs to double its current yields to meet the demand of maize consumers. In last year, the government had to import maize in tonnes, from Mexico to meet the demand of many Kenyans who rely on maize as their staple food.
"We need to ensure proper nutrients are given to the crops, including Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and secondary micro-nutrients," said Wafula.