Kenya National Union of Nurses secretary general Seth Panyako addressing journalists.[Photo/]

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The Council of Governors has called upon representatives of nurses to a meeting to discuss the four-month strike that has affected the innocent citizens of Kenya in public hospitals.

According to The Standard, the letter written by Council of Governors to Kenya National Union of Nurses stated that they want to "unlock the current nurses’ strike ".

KNUN blamed the council for the impasse since it focused on their politics instead of the medics and also submitting wrong reports on CBA .

“They have diverted the attention of the public to only address the union leadership, which is not important and does not improve service delivery or address the plight of nurses,” said Deputy General Secretary Maurice Opetu.

Mr Opetu added that the CBA report made the strike to last for a long time.“It took five months to negotiate the CBA and the CoG changed the team, forcing us to start from the scratch .’’Deputy Opetu said.

He went on to criticise the council for the report that 60 percent of the nurses have gone back to work yet it is only nurses from Kiambu,Nandi, Uasin Gishu and Bomet summing to a total of about less than a quarter.