A tongue is a very informative muscle in a human's body. One can easily diagnose different health problems if they learn to read the tongue carefully in a good manner. 

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Find out health problems simply by looking at your tongue and avoid sickness timely. 

It is really great to know about the condition of your physical health by just having a look at the tongue. This will help you to avoid expenses of medical tests which are more expensive nowadays. 

The tongue performs various important functions for every person day in day out. The importance of a tongue in our life can never be ignored. You would not be able to chew, talk, swallow and taste without a tongue. 

A person can easily read symptoms of a tongue to know various types of health problems. Doctors always check patient's tongue before every checkup. The reason behind this is to get wide information about their health and have a deep idea regarding their health issues. This helps them to have a quick idea about different sorts of health disease one may be suffering from.

However, it may be quite troublesome for doctors to read various lengthy health reports for the purpose of knowing about a person's health.

Swollen or inflamed tongue

An inflamed or swollen tongue is an indication of nutritional deficiencies. In most of the cases, such type of sign indicates the lack of vitamin B that your body needs. Some ulcers on the tongue signify that someone is suffering from high fever. Whenever you find this sign on your tongue, rush towards the doctor to get rid of severe sickness. Negligence towards these sorts of symptoms may lead to serious health issues.

Tip of the Tongue

The tip of a tongue provides great information about health problems occurring in small intestine area or heart. Whenever red dots are found on the tip of the tongue, this can be a clear sign of anxiety or stress. It also may indicate the condition of a phobia or obsessive-compulsive disorder. Tip of the tongue is also responsible to provide us a taste of various eatables. We get perfect taste idea from the tip of our tongue because this area is rich with taste receptors. If you are not feeling any taste of a bitter or sweet food item, then there must be something wrong with your tongue. People having several dots on their tongue tip should not delay in consulting a wise and experienced physician.

Behind tip of your tongue

This particular area points to your immune and respiratory system. Red dots and redness here may tell you about respiratory infection. Having this type of indication can be really upsetting for a person. Respiratory problems are often very difficult to deal with. Patients with such types of disease cannot enjoy their life energetically. They cannot run or even walk properly. A respiratory infection may include pneumonia, emphysema, and bronchitis. Therefore, it is advisable to get rid of these problems by letting your doctor know about the redness of your tongue.

Left and right sides of the Tongue

This area of tongue signifies the condition of your liver. When your tongue is distended, you will detect some teeth markings on sides of the tongue. This can be a clear sign of a liver problem such as fatty liver or hepatitis. Such kinds of indications may also be the symptoms of abdominal swelling or low energy. Moreover, serious liver issues such as cirrhosis or liver cancer may also be diagnosed by checking left and right sides of your tongue.