A difficult roommate can make you miserable. [Photo/sundaynews.co.zw/wp]
We at times find ourselves living under the same roof with an unbearable person. Whether by choice or unforeseen circumstances, it can be quite soul-sucking. Even if for a while as work housing, school or trip, it can seem like an eternity. You need to minimize the 'things' you share. Cook your meals separately from theirs. It would also help to shop for amenities separately. These avoids simple fights like 'Why don't you put the lid back on? Why did you use too much cooking oil? Why did you throw the toothpaste out before it was completely over?' and the like. Make your conversations light and unlikely to bring up heated debates. Don't tell them about your day, where your going or what you do when you leave the room. This creates a disconnect so they can have fewer fronts to poke you and mess up your moments. Do things at your own time, space and convenience. Don't get tied down on some sort of 'roommate schedule'. The idea is to limit your bond to avoid unhealthy conflicts. Be the bigger person to keep your peace of mind. Don't pick a fight. If you can avoid conflict, please do. A difficult roommate can really make you miserable since they're around you when you need to relax, chill and sort through the issues of the day.