Many people want to save money in order to build wealth for the future. We have dreams but it can seem impossible when you are surviving on low income.

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The big question here is how do you save more money when you’re making little? It is vital note that to not only think about the now but also the future. Even if you’re earning a minimum wage, you can still save little by little. Here’s how:

Tackle debts first. The first step of saving is tackling your debts heas on. When paying off debt, you need an attainable, yet challenging plan to pay it off. Start by prioritizing your debt so you’re paying off the ones with highest interest first.Then, as you go forward, avoid accumulating any more high interest debt.

Cut down on big expenses. Sometimes it feels impossible to cut down expenses when you are living on a small slary.  Instead of trying to cut back your small expenses, focus on the larger ones so you can make more of a significant impact.

Maintain a lean budget. Control how much money you spend. Choose the categories you want to indulge in, and keep the rest of your budget as lean as possible. In this case, you will be required to make sacrifices by learning to spend in moderation. 

Side hustling. Consider diversifying your income by starting a side hustle to earn extra money. You can get a job on the side to provide another income source.Many side hustles can be done right from your own home in your spare time.