August 8th elections are just less than 5 months away and IEBC is reportedly facing a race against time in their preparation.
Unconfirmed reports also indicate that a section of Kenyans are even calling for an extension of the election date to give the commission more time for adequate preparation.
Already a concerned Kenyan won a petition in court to asking IEBC to extend the mass voter registration period which has sailed through, now IEBC has two add two more days for the exercise.
However, governance analyst Cynthia Mutere claimed that collapse of the 'Okoa Kenya' initiative is now haunting the August 8th elections.
Mutere said most of the challenges facing IEBC could have been easily addressed if the government would have embraced the 'Okoa Kenya' agenda.
"The ballot is Kenya's most potent governance weapon and so you find that instead of being a time of refreshing a renewal of leadership we are finding all these challenges to be insurmountable thinking that probably we won't make the timelines," said Mutere.
"I remember when we were doing the 'OKoa Kenya' initiative some of this challenges were highlighted and they were not addressed at that point and so we took to the street and actually got the public to remove IEBC," she added.
In a quick rejoinder Daisy Amdany, a member of the National Women Steering Committee dismissed Mutere's claims.
"This is a massive failure of Parliament to legislate in time, the executive and the IEBC. We even had a joint committee of Senators to deliberate on the issue yet they still failed to address this challenges facing IEBC," said Amdany.
"I continually believe that our political class on both sides of the political divide have no interest in a credible process that is why they want a process that favors them,' she added.