So I'm browsing. And I come across this little piece of writing that discusses procrastination.

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I decided to stop for a few minutes and read the article. Here is what I learned:

The other name for procrastination is resistance. Resistance is progress' worst enemy.

The more important your dream or life purpose is, the stronger this destructive force is.

Resistance/procrastination is a feeling. You know this feeling....You feel tired and unmotivated. You need a little more rest. You don't feel like doing it. So, you don't do it.

Believe me, resistance has just won. Being passionate about something, say writing, does not mean you will always want to do it. You may really love writing, like yours truly, but resistance will almost always provide a reason you should be doing something else. Something like reading a book, watching a movie, or reading an idle post(like this one haha).

Motivation is not a strong, happy feeling or force that energizes you to complete your tasks. Most people keep waiting for motivation to possess them so that they can begin doing. 

Sadly, some end up waiting forever or up until that day when the grim reaper will come calling.

Doing produces motivation. Want to feel motivated right now? Simply start writing that article on singing bowls(singing bowls, seriously?) Well, not on singing bowls but at

The only way to stay motivated is to keep doing what you need to be doing.I am motivated. I suspect the procrastinator in me is beginning to get a little frustrated. I am winning.