Kisumu Woman Representative Rosa Buyu cheers during Raila Odinga swearing-in, January 30, 2018. [Photo| Courtesy]

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Kisumu Woman Representative Rosa Buyu carried the county's flag high, during the swearing-in of NASA leader Raila Odinga.

Buyu led the county leadership and represented NASA in the oat-taking ceremony held at Uhuru Park on Tuesday January 30.

Before the ceremony could start, she was seen seated close to Ruaraka MP and High Court Advocate T.J Kajwang, and Miguna Miguna, who would later administer Odinga's swearing-in as People's President at 2 pm.

The ODM lawmaker was as well seen cheering after Odinga read his oath and pledging allegiance to the people.

Kisumu Governor Prof Anyang' Nyong'o was not present, since he is still out of the country.Nyong'o flew to San Francisco where he underwent hip-borne surgery.