Make an effort to cheer people with a smile, compliment, politeness or a generous gesture. [Photo/]

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The world could always use a little more kindness. 

Being nice to each other can cure many painful moments that people go through. 

A story is told of a man who told a woman that she looked pretty as he passed by. 

The following day, he found the lady waiting for him at the same spot. 

“I've always wanted to be a model but when I was about to go for auditions, some people told me that I was too ugly. So I came here and started crying and feeling sorry for myself and was too discouraged to go. But when you gave me the much-needed compliment, I got up, went to the audition and got the part. Thank you,” she told the man.

The little nice things that we do for people hardly go unnoticed. 

For instance, a waitress who has had a long, tedious and stressful day might have a reason to smile after a polite couple at her table tips her generously. 

The art of cheerful giving is something that really touches people’s hearts. 

Someone who is looking for a slice of bread will be blown away when you hand them a full loaf.

To you, it may just be a loaf of bread, but to them, it's a long sought after meal. 

Make an effort to cheer people with a smile, compliment, politeness or a generous gesture.