Many people usually complain that after urinating, their urine stinks. This is quite unusual and unhealthy.Urine usually has the smell of ammonia, which is stronger or weaker depending on how well hydrated someone is. Here is a guideline on how to ensure your urine does not stink anymore:
Keep taking a lot of water; you should develop a culture of taking more water. This water will help dehydrate the ammonia in your body and also dissolve all other acidic components which could have otherwise triggered bad stench on your urine.
Avoid certain foods and drinks as fast as possible; the smell of urine can be affected by foods and drink (e.g. onions, garlic, asparagus, brussel sprouts, salmon, spices, alcohol, and coffee), medication and vitamin supplements. Try as much as possible to ensure that you ignore and avoid such foods while you embrace high intake of fruits to your body.
If you are diabetic, do not worry about the stench in your urine. This is usual. Diabetes can a cause urine to have a sweet smell. Genetic diseases such as maple syrup urine disease and phenylketonuria can also affect the smell of urine, but these are rare, very serious diseases that are usually diagnosed in infants.
Finally, embrace physical exercise in your entire life. This will make you sweat and release the nitrogenous wastes which could have otherwise triggered stench in urine.