A sad man. [Photo/singleblackmale.org]
Believe it or not, there are people with more bad stories than good ones. There are pursuits marked with more failures that victories. How do you deal with this pile of disappointments in life?
It is hard to have a depth of hope that it will get better. After all, if it fails to work every time, why should it work now? You have got to apply tenacity. Whether you are feeling hopeful or not, you still work at it. The idea is, you have to do your part everyday. As the sun goes down, you know that success is out of your hands since you gave it all you got.
Sometimes victory is delayed because of the astronomical dreams one is carrying. Your dreams may be big, unique and unforeseen. This means that there is not even anything close to a 'roadmap'. Since you are clueless, you have to try and test everything from scratch. This creates a sense of trying and failing as you search for a solution. But the 'failures' are actually lessons that you learn from in pursuit of your dreams.
Some people have life tougher than others. Others rise from the ground while others find their way from the depths of the ocean. Your struggle might need more work and time than what seems 'fair'.
Whenever you think you should quit, imagine that you will be discarding all the work you have put in thus far. It is easier to just add some more effort and maybe this time will be it.
Ensure that you learn from all the pain that comes your way. It will be a great asset once things, one by one, start working out in your favour.