
Is there a story unfolding in your community? Let Hivisasa know

We have all come across individuals who are so sensitive and problematic that no one wants to handle them. And while avoiding them is an option, sometimes the circumstances are inevitable. How do you deal with unfamiliar personalities?

Be honest with your response and avoid an exchange as much as possible. If it happens you come along a difficult person, just listen to what their pledge and displeasure. A message is conveyed when there is listening. Remaining calm is also significant when the condition is complex as being provoked makes it worse.

 Further, when you respond to anger with anger, you might end up with an unpleasant situation, therefore avoid pointing fingers or raising your voice as this will trigger more anger.

At our office room, that attention-seeking coworker who orders every person around could be puzzling to work with. However, common knowledge is to know how to respond to them wittingly to be at peace.

An important point that psychologists stress on is ‘setting limits and boundaries. One should listen to what that person wants to say, be polite while responding and be firm with your answer depending on the situation. Or at home, that neighbor who is always hooting at your estate’s gate with loud music playing in their car.

At one time or the other, we all encounter disrespectful and arrogant people. The trick is learning how to handle them when you encounter them.

At the end of the day, you want to be at peace as you sip your favorite drink in the comfort of your home. Solving disputes or basically dealing with difficult people should be smooth enough not to leave scratches on your arms, back or worse, your face. Peace is always a solution.