A head with dandruff. [Photo/healthfacts.ng] Dandruff is the skin that comes off as a cohesive chunk. Shedding of dead skin cells occurs on the scalp. As skin cells die, a small amount of flaking is normal. However, with dandruff, the skin cells on the scalp proliferate (form, die and flake off) at an accelerated rate.
The common sign of dandruff is and itchy scalp.
Causes of dandruff are dry skin, seborrhoeic dermatitis, not cleaning as frequently as required, shampooing too often, psoriasis, eczema and sensitivity to hair care products.
You can keep off dandruff by washing your hair often since dandruff is just flaking skin. Use dandruff shampoos since they're made to deal with dandruff. Applying coal tar is known to be effective since it causes the skin to shed dead cells from the top layer and slows skin cell growth.
Anti-dandruff hair products are also effective.
Seborrheic dermatitis has some similarities to dandruff but it is much worse. Seborrheic dermatitis doesn't just affect the scalp but can go off to the eyebrows, outer ears and other parts of the body. It causes extreme flaking, redness and itchiness.
Dandruff needs to be addressed since it's a cosmetic nightmare. It can create social and self-esteem problems.