A worried man[Photo credit:shutterstock.com]

Is there a story unfolding in your community? Let Hivisasa know

Any man will tell you that the friend zone is not the most desirable place to be, especially when you have “more than friends” interests in a lady. While attraction is predetermined by factors such chemistry and confidence that in most cases come naturally. Here are a few tips on how to avoid being labeled as “fam” for unnecessarily extended periods of time:

Ask her to go on a date with you

Do not hesitate to ask her out on that dinner or coffee date on a romantic venue or setting that will help both of you connect and create memories. Always remember to be assertive in your asking by specifying the exact date, time and venue, it clearly communicates the emotions you want to inspire in her and erases all instances of seemingly self-doubt.

Go for the first kiss

If she continues going on dates with you after the first date, there is a good chance that she likes you. However, you might want to consider her body language signs that might entertain the idea of you locking lips with her i.e. how she responds when you are in close contact with her. If she is uncomfortable and squeamish then all will not be well if you go in for the first kiss. But if she reciprocates then by all means make the first move.

Make eye contact

Studies show that the type of eye contact can make or break attractiveness in a person. Direct eye contact and meeting a woman’s gaze has been proved to be one of those factors that intimate arousal and emotional bonds in women. However, avoid long stares as you might come off as being creepy and intimidating.

Exude the right vibe

Being confident in yourself will make a woman feel more attracted to you. Always make sure you are comfortable in your own skin and be yourself because faking it will not go on for very long unnoticed. Be real.