While the frequent diaper changes may not be your favorite, they're still part of the baby care package. And it's good for baby too, since changing a diaper whenever it's wet or messy helps prevent irritation and diaper rash.

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Before you get started, be sure you have clean diapers, clean cotton balls, washcloths or wipes, a change of clothes for baby, Clean diaper wraps or waterproof pants, ointment to prevent and/or soothe diaper rash. Your gentle voice and touch can make diaper changes easier on your baby -- and easier on you too.

1. Lay your baby on his back. Remove any clothing that inhibits access to the diaper. At this age, rompers are popular clothing items; they contain snaps for easy diaper access.

2. Remove the soiled diaper. For disposable diapers, pull up the sticky tabs. For reusable cloth diapers, remove the diaper cover and snaps or Velcro from around your baby's waist.

3. Lift your baby up gently so you can scoot the diaper out from under his bottom.

4. Use wipes to clean your baby's diaper region. Always wipe from front to back to avoid infection, especially for girls.

5. If the area is red or inflamed, soothe it with diaper ointment.

6. Wait for your baby's skin to dry before putting on a fresh diaper.

7. Take a fresh diaper and place it under your baby. Bring the front part up on your baby's stomach and fasten the tabs to secure the diaper on his waist.

8. Replace any clothing over the new diaper.