Relationships are just like machines which needs proper maintenance and servicing. There are certain things that do spice up a relationship and make it not only strong and enjoyable but also lively and long-lasting. These are the things to do that will make your relationship very interesting:

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Create tension

Never let your girlfriend understand you completely because you will become boring. Always keep her wondering what you are up to and guessing your next move. This will attract her more to you. Stop answering her phone call before it even starts ringing, let it ring for a while before you answer. Try to be doing something new often; do not be idle.

Lie a little

We all agree too much of something is a poison. Well, this is no exception; too much truth is poisonous. Mostly tell the truth but once in a while lie. Am not talking about cheating on her, just simple lies. Like if you are having supper with a lady friend or colleague and she asks you where you at, if you say the truth she might read ulterior motives, just say you out with the  crew having a beer.

Be the commanding voice

This just means act like a man, like the head of the relationship and let her be submissive to you. Establish the respect from the start and let your lady love, respect and even fear you to some extend. Set clear boundaries that will make even feel safe with you. Real men love their women, they respect them, they protect them and provide for them.