Not many get you as much as your mother. [Photo/] Mothers share a special bond with their children from the time they are pregnant. The bond starts that early. Having a strong relationship with your mother is an important part of who you are.
Mothers are great confidants. Since she is on your team, she is able to offer a safe place for you to vent your problems. You can share things with her that you probably wouldn't with other people. A mother loves you just as you are. Many people can make you feel like you need to edit, change and tweak yourself a little before they can accept you.
Your mother loves you when you're naughty, rich, fat, wrong, super wrong, drunk or when you're in any form of ugliness you might be dealing with. Though they often disagree with your poor choices, they don't take away the love as they await for you to be a better person. Opinions and advice from a mother hold much water. They are able to notice when you're doing something stupid or something too far from who you are. Their corrections are thus gold.
They have watched your personality from when you were a girl to a woman, a boy to a man. They understand your social life, your level of intelligence from a tender age and what you're great and terrible at. Keeping your mother close is a priceless relationship that adds more to your life. Not many get you the way she does.