Failure to maintain a strong foundation is among the challenges facing lovers nowadays. Remember love is an adventure or rather an ordeal. Therefore it is very important to ensure that a strong foundation is built among yourselves. Here are ways through which you can build a strong foundation in your relationship:
1. Date each other no matter how long you’ve been together; This includes giving your partner the same level of respect and attention you did from the start. Many relationships end as one partner just stops respecting the value or feelings of the partner and fall into old habits they would never have done early on.Treat your partner with the utmost respect. Strive to make him or her smile. Make an effort to schedule quality time shared between the two of you.
2. Continue to demonstrate honesty and build trust; never lose sight of how important trust is to keep your relationship healthy. When one of you is not trustworthy, doubt creeps into the relationship.
3. Have mutual and separate interests; You cannot expect another person to complete you or to be everything that you are. It is healthy to share interests and to also maintain some activities you do apart.
4. Support one another’s passions and dreams; Support these dreams and also recognize you cannot make all of them come true. You are there to love and encourage their dreams, not to take responsibility for achieving them. If you practice all these, then I assure you that your love journey will be strong and steady.