No matter what your goal is with making them miss you, you’ll have to do it in a very specific way. These are the best ways to make sure they miss you without throwing it in their face in an overly obvious way.

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1. Post photos of you having fun. And don’t just stage them. You really have to be genuinely happy and having a great time. Get people together to take pictures and then have others tag you in it on social media.

2. Post reminders of the good times. Depending on how well you two left each other, you can post pictures of things you’ve done in the past. Facebook has those handy yearly reminders that pop up of things you did in the past.

3. Apologize for any wrongdoings on your end. We all make mistakes and we all have to own up to them. You really have to make sure that person knows how much you regret some of the things you did.

4. Wish them well in life. It’s all about the maturity. When we see someone we really want to miss us, we usually get bitter and even upset. But if you can approach them or even just send a text wishing them well in life, they’ll miss you.

5. Go about your life as normal. If you’re wondering how to make someone miss you, sometimes all you really have to do is go about life. Do your thing and let them watch as you move on without them. It’s enough for them to see that they still want to be a part of that life.