Rejection usually hurts and it is usually good to consider it as part of growing process. You don’t need anyone’s approval in order to feel happy.

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The only person whose approval you need is your own. No one individual leaves this earth without experiencing some sort of rejection. Be it love rejection, school rejection, job rejection, family rejection or any other rejections available. 

The key to survival is overcoming this challenge of rejection in order to live a happy life. Listed below is a list of strategies one can adopt to overcome rejection with ease:

1.  Acknowledge your emotions. Always aspire to deal with the problem head on rather than denying or suppressing the situation. This will guarantee you a healthy way of coping with rejection.

2. View it as  evidence that you are pushing the limits. Do not feel afraid to be rejected but rather view it as a proof that you are living life to the fullest.You can't be sure you're pushing yourself to your limits until you get turned down every now and then. 

3. Treat yourself with compassion. Always aspire to respond to negative self-talk with a kinder, more affirming message. Reinforce positive and encouraging thoughts to your mind.

4. Refuse to let rejection define you. Aspire not to make sweeping generalization to yourself. For instance, if one company turns you down for a job, don't declare yourself incompetent. Or, if you get rejected by a single love interest, then don't conclude you are unlovable.Don't let your self-worth depend upon other people's opinions of you. 

5. Always learn from rejections. Aspire to turn rejection into an opportunity for self-growth, with each rejection you will grow stronger and become better. Rejection can be a good teacher. Simply use rejection as an opportunity to move forward with more wisdom.