A couple arguing. [Photo/returnofkings.com]

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Psychologists have conducted a study on how to control your partner in relationships, otherwise known as gaslighting.

It simply means that if you tell a lie often enough it becomes accepted as the truth.

The main objective of a gaslighter is to control, dominate and take advantage of a partner. This is done by maintaining a stream of lies and keeping the gaslightees in a constant state of fear, insecurity and doubt.

Gaslighting is a form of persistent manipulation and brainwashing that causes the victim to doubt him or herself. This results in the victim losing their sense of perception, identity and self-worth.

In relationships it occurs as verbal, emotional or physical hostility from one partner to the other. The gaslighter avoids personal scrutiny by repeatedly attacking the victim, making exaggerated and confusing claims.

The gaslighter often has self-esteem issues and thrives from making the other partner feel inadequate. The victim willingly gives power to the gaslighter without their knowledge and realizes only when it’s too late.

Here are a few pointers on how to spot a gaslighter;

1. Lies and exaggerates constantly

2. Repeats the same things often.

3. Escalates the behavior when challenged.

4. Wears out the victim until they give up on an issue.

5. Creates a dependency relationship where they have to approve the victim’s actions.

6. Constantly give false hope to the victim.

7. Always dominates and controls all situations.