Learning how to respect women is not all that complicated. By following the golden rule, treat others how you want to be treated, you should be okay. So there may be times that you think you are being perfectly respectful but are in fact falling flat.

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1. Women deserve respect. This is nothing new. Women have always deserved respect, but from a young age women learned to nod along and be polite even when being disrespected so to not cause a scene or be seen as “crazy.” While some women call you out, others may bite their tongues when you say something insensitive.

2. Put yourself in her shoes. Many men claim they know how to respect women because they have sister or a mother. But that is no excuse, reasoning, or really anything. Having a female relative should not impact your respectfulness.

3. No one is perfect. And yes, men shouldn’t have to watch everything they say about women or to women. And yes, not ALL men are disrespectful or harassing or have ill intent. But those that are all those things have made it a priority for the good men to do even better.

4. Speak out against injustice. As a man, you are privileged. If you see a woman being harassed, used, treated less than equally, use your privilege as a man who gets respect to help. Do not simply stay quiet because you don’t want to get involved or it is not your place, because it is your place.

5. Accept no as an answer. Whether asking a woman on a date, a woman in the office to help with something, or a friend of yours to do you a favor, accept her response.