Moi University is one of the universities in Kenya that admits a very large number of students. In fact, it is the leading in population in Kenyan universities. When first-years are let in, they are recognized easily in the first one or two weeks in the university. But as time goes by they tend to vanish and this how to recognize their presence;
The first thing you need to look at is their way of association with others. First years tend to include themselves into groups. They sit in groups and they work as a class. For example, during collection of ID cards or exam cards, first-years accompanies each other.
Secondly is that they have a unique way or mode of dressing. Most first years will be seen in long skirts. Unlike the second, third and fourth years who probably wear tight jeans or a miniskirt and high heeled shoes, some first years wear either long skirts and flat shoes.
The most curious students in Moi University are the first years. A first year needs to know everything, everyone and everywhere. You will find a first year walking around the university on weekends just to explore the whole university. The students from other years don't have time to waste on exploring the university, they rather go out to enjoy with a handful of friends.
A first-year confuses everything even the toilet; you will find a first-year male student entering a female toilet and you wonder what is happening to them.
Despite cramming all the lecture halls during the weekend, a first year at Moi University will skip a lecture because he did not know the correct location of the lecture.