How to save your money with small salary:

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1.  Consider walking thus saving on transport expenses when possible or use public transport instead of driving yourself.

2. If you like taking tea at the coffee shop when going to work, make your coffee at home and take it with you to work instead of stopping at the coffee shop for coffee on your way to work, make your coffee at home and take it with you or wait until you get to work.

3.  If you like watching movies, don’t go to the theatre where tickets are expensive. 

Instead, watch a free movie at home.

4.  Always purchase your items in bulk to get cheaper per unit price.

5.  Always check your bank statement each month and make sure that there is no additional charges are added on. If you do have additional charge find out why and if they can be eliminated.

6.  Instead of going to the gym, start a walking club with some of your friends, or purchase inexpensive fitness videos that you can do at home.

The above tips can help you spend less and have more money available.