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There is usually a lot of speculation as to how to get a man to settle down.

The once foolproof method of having him sire a child with you does not work anymore as more men are becoming deadbeats. They do not mind having children and at the same time remaining fully fledged senior bachelors.

When your man starts doing the things listed below, they are usually tell-tale signs that you are in it for the long run.

He wants to know your friends and workmates.

If a man wants to meet your friends and workmates and it’s not the ‘accidental’ setup where he is ambushed into meeting them, then he is serious with you and wants to know you better. However, this can also be a sign of a control freak who wants to know your support circle and cut them out of your life gradually.

He arranges to meet you during the day.

Ladies if a man organizes lunch dates, and does not seem to always have some more urgent business to take care of early in the morning or late in the evening, then he is taking you seriously. If the only time you meet him is between 6pm and no later than 6am, then you are what the urban dictionary call a jump off or worse, a side chick.

He introduces you to his friends with a catchy title.

Naturally men like to flaunt their toys. That’s the reason why everything to them is a competition, even giving way in traffic. If your man introduces you to his friends like he is making a power-point presentation to save his life, then you know he is in it to stay.

He tells you he is (not) looking for a serious relationship.      

There is usually a lot of misconception among women that revolves around settling down. If you encounter a man who seems to have everything going for him; a good job, a car, a house and he is not looking for something serious, listen to him .

There are men who do not want a relationship that pushes past 3 months, as they become bored, and no amount of cooking, cleaning and dishing out the cookie  will make him reconsider his decision. You might as well leave him.