President Uhuru Kenyatta may have been troubled with persistent fist fight between his deputy William Ruto and opposition leader Raila Odinga, a reason why he openly showed excitement when the two hugged.

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Having reconciled with Raila and with Ruto being one of his trusted soldiers, the president may have been struggling to have the two speak from the same script.

Before Thursday's Safari Park handshake, an agitated Uhuru had on Wednesday warned Ruto's allies against persistent attacks on Raila.

And to mend the fences, the president cleverly invited Ruto to the stage in a surprise move that saw him inviting Raila and Kalonzo Musyoka as well.

"Do not be worried because today I am not going to sing. i just want to do something different," he said as he called the leaders.

Thereafter, Uhuru said: "We have campaigned against each other, abused each and even fought. This is the time to forgive each other."

But Uhuru was extremely excited when  Raila and Ruto shook hands, contrary to expectations of many.

Uhuru, who is focused on legacy, is said to have been keen to use the occasion to bring the two leaders on board at the event.