Women use body language to communicate several issues. One of the reasons women opt for this is due to societal constraints that limit their freedom to approach men. However, most men are clueless when these hints are dropped to attract them. According to the author of The Body Language of Love and body language expert, Allan Pease, men have to learn to interpret these signals to increase their stakes in the mating game.

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If you are sitting with a woman and she constantly crosses her legs and later uncrosses them then you might sleep a happy man. On the contrary, a stationary woman is not into you. Look out for these nonverbal signals to stop wasting time or wasting a lifetime opportunity.

As a man, it is also wise checking if a woman sits with one of her legs tucked up under her. This applies when you are in a group. In most cases, the leg will point towards the man she likes most. This position gives the lucky fella a chance to use the special male visual impulses. If you are the one, do not waste her.

Moreover, women use their hair to communicate. Flicking of hair during conversations means that she wants you. However, if the flicking is directed to someone else, please invest your time in something else.