ODM party leader on Friday morning said that he has crucial information that can embarrass President Uhuru Kenyatta but he has just decided to shield him from shame."There are many more corruption scandals that have not been talked about. The president should actually trace me I have information that can be very embarrassing to him," said Raila.Odinga said his recent alerts on corruption in the government were his simple way of protecting the president and making him aware that all is not well."I have just been trying to caution him that this is not good for the country," he said.The opposition chief, however, lamented that his calls to save the country from massive corruption have only been met by intimidation from the Head of State."Instead he goes around and says how he is going to humiliate Raila in the next general election. I am ready Mr President for the humiliation because you will be the one who ends up very humiliated," he said.

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