Lawyer Paul Muite speaks at the Supreme court on Monday, October 09, 2017. [PHOTO/]

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Ahead of the petition hearing disputing results of the October 26 repeat presidential elections, IEBC has dropped from its legal team key lawyers Patrick Lumumba and Paul Muite.

The two earlier represented the commission in the August 8 election petition which the commission lost.

In a statement on Tuesday, IEBC appointed an eight-lawyer team to represent it in the October 26 petition.

The team includes

 Waweru Gatonye 

(Lead Cousel), Eric Gumbo, George Murugu, Kamau Karori, Wambua Kilonzo, 

Mahat Somane, Kimani Muhoro and Lucy Kambuni.

Lead counsel Gatonye graduated in 1974 from the University of Nairobi with an L.L. B (Honours). 

He is an advocate with the experience of working in the Office of the Attorney General and rising to become a deputy to the then Director of Public Prosecutions.