The IEBC Selection Committee will next Wednesday publish the names of the more than 800 applicants who sent in their applications.
The committee said it had received 13 applications for the position of chairperson and more than 800 for the other 6 slots.
"The precise number will crystallise when the applications of applicants, who put in multiple applications through the various media, have been harmonised," Selection Committee chairperson Bernadette Musundi said via the star.
Musundi said once this is done, the Selection Panel will publish the names in the Kenya Gazette, two newspapers of national circulation and the Parliamentary Service Commission website.
This will include the names of the applicants and their qualifications as stipulated in their applications.
"The Selection Panel will thereafter begin the shortlisting exercise and publish the shortlist. This advertisement will also invite the views of the public on the suitability of shortlisted candidates for a period of seven days," Musundi said.
This will be followed by the public interviewing of the candidates, which will be broadcast on live TV.
Within 7 days, the President will forward the list of nominees to the National Assembly for approval in accordance with the Public Appointments Act.
The recruitment of the new commissioners came after the enactment of amendments to the IEBC Act, which led to the resignation of the current ones.