Abuse, whether physical, emotional or economical and if massive or just a whiff, you should leave, like yesterday. No human being deserves to be used to the advantage of another in the name of love.
Bully- This is where you are afraid to say no to them or differ with their thoughts and ideas. If your spouse is a bully boy/girl, and you feel threatened or frightened whenever they are around, then you shouldn't be around them anymore. This kind can hurt you and will hurt you in the long run if you don't do what they want.
Casanova- According to him, he can have any woman he wants. So he cheats on you with virtually everyone. What's worse, he plays you in your face. He is a venomous snake and should be treated as such before the repercussions of his actions soon start to tear you apart.
Disrespect- How you choose to be with a person who constantly disses your family and people you care for without remorse is of utter mystery to me. Respect is two-way. Make it known to them that you will not tolerate that behaviour and leave if they do not change. If they can't respect where you come from, they will never respect you!
Enigma-You are constantly playing detective with your significant other; trying to connect dots on where they are and what they're about.
Newsflash! If someone cares for you and wants to be with you, they should open up to you. No dotted lines, no fine print!