[A human body showing vital organs that in case one is removed,  one can live normally.(Photo/.epainassist]A human being can lead a healthy life with only one lung. Naturally, we have a pair of lungs located in the chest and covered by the ribs. In case one lung gets defected or removed because of various reasons, then one shouldn't worry because he or she can live happily like others.

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A lung can be removed due to cancer in the event of removing cancerous tumours. Secondly, its due to infection of aggressive bacterial infections, Tuberculosis being a good example.

Pneumonectomy, the removal of one lung, makes the remaining lung to inflate and occupy the space left vacant by the removed lung. The respiratory function is then raised up to 70 per cent and one can lead a comfortable quality life. One only thing to avoid is strenuous work by the affected.

Pope Francis is an example of a person who has led a normal life despite one of his lungs being removed while he was younger. Another example is Edward Njiru who got his lung removed in 2008 while he was a form three student. According to Mr Njiru, he is able to lead a normal life except the refrain from strenuous activities.

“The only way it has affected me is that I can’t do strenuous exercise but I can pretty much do most things,” Said Mr Njiru, who is an architect.

Another organ that one can work normally with only one is the kidney. Instances that can lead to one using one kidney include; after donating the other remaining with only one, after an injury and in the case of getting rid of a tumour.

The remaining kidney usually works optimally and a quality normal life lived. The only caution the affected person needs to is to be extra careful to avoid injuries or accidents that may damage the only kidney.

The third vital organ a human being can live without is the gall bladder that is located in the liver. Its main function is to store bile juice that is produced by the liver before it's released to the ileum to break down fats. 

This organ can be removed due to inflammation, gallstones and the thickening that may result to blockages. Cholecystectomy, the removal of the gall bladder has a small effect as fats may not be efficiently digested. The bile juice flows slowly to the small intestine without being stored. 

The 36th American President, Lyndon B Johnson, had his gall bladder removed and he led a normal life. He would even show off the scar due to surgery to the crowd to remove doubt that he still suffered from any complications.

Due to difficulties that may arise during fat digestion, those affected are advised to take food with less fat content and they lead a normal life.