Self-stimulation or masturbation just like sex has its health benefits.
This is because the same chemicals released during sex are more often released during masturbation.
Given that masturbation can be done quite a number of times compared to sex that requires more energy, one is in a position to benefit more from masturbation than sex.
The following are some of the health benefits one enjoys from masturbation.
Makes you more sexually active
Masturbation is so addictive and in the process it keeps you thinking about sex all the time.
This increases your sex desire and you will actually feel like you want sex all the time.
This would definitely mean you are sexually active than normal.
It enhances your beauty
Self-stimulation or masturbation just like sex can have a positive impact on your looks.
As you orgasm blood keep pumping and flowing through your body at a higher rate than normal.
Pumping and flow of blood under your skin makes your body glow with beauty than normal.
Helps boost sleep
Masturbation brings with it a feeling of relaxation in the body when one reaches climax after an orgasm.
This feeling of calm and relaxation brings with it sleep even at a time when one is not able to sleep.
Increases your happiness
The release of chemicals such as endorphins and oxytocin during orgasm makes one feel good.
This situation makes one more happy than normal and this is good health-wise.
So if you thought masturbation was all harmful and dangerous then you need to give this a second thought. It is actually beneficial health wise.