President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy William Ruto. Photo/PSCU

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President Uhuru Kenyatta campaign team has launched an initiative targeting 10 million voters.

The campaign plan has been divided into four sections to ensure the full impact is created both from the national level to the local level. 

One of the sections is the adopt a voter strategy which is meant to reach put to the four million voters who did not vote in the August elections and this will be done through the meet the people tours through the visiting of schools, churches, and markets all over the country by President Kenyatta.

On the hand, Jubilee has poached NASA poll losers will be the other section and this will involve promising high-level jobs to those who agree to help with the campaigns in the NASA strongholds. 

"However, some showed interest immediately the supreme court made the judgment. We are putting in place their campaign programs and messages." as stated by the Star Newspaper.

Combining with affiliate parties is the other strategy. These parties will campaign autonomously for President Kenyatta with the slogan 'people are supreme.'' Jomo Gecaga is meant to head the activities of these affiliate parties as stated by a source.

The last strategy would be to depress the voter turn out in the NASA strongholds. this will be carried out through ensuring that there is less than 60% turn out in the NASA strongholds.